In an unfortunate turn of events, actor Shreyas Talpade suffered a heart attack on December 15 after which he was rushed to hospital. The 47-year-old actor was reportedly shooting yesterday for Welcome to the Jungle in Mumbai. Post the shoot, he collapsed and was rushed to the Bellevue Hospital in Andheri where he underwent an angioplasty. After his wife Deepti Talpade, Animal actor Bobby Deol has shared Shreyas Talpade’s health update and shared a shocking detail.
Bobby Deol reveals Shreyas Talpade’s heart stopped for 10 minutes
In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Bobby Deol shared he spoke to Shreyas Talpade’s wife Deepti Talpade as soon as he heard the news. He said, “I just spoke to his wife. She was really upset. His heart had stopped for about ten minutes, apparently. Now they’ve revived him and done an angioplasty. So just pray that he will be fine.”
Shreyas Talpade’s wife shared his health update
Following the attack, on December 15, Shreyas’ wife, Deepti, updated everyone about his health with a note. It read, “Dear Friends & Media, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming concern and well-wishes following the recent health scare my husband experienced. I’m relieved to update everyone that he is now in stable condition and will be discharged in a few days. The medical team’s exceptional care and timely response have been instrumental during this time, and we are grateful for their expertise. We kindly request respect for our privacy as he continues his recovery. Your unwavering support has been a tremendous source of strength for both of us. Warm regards, Deepti Shreyas Talpade (sic).”
Shreyas Talpade-Deepti Talpade
On the work front, the actor will next be seen in Welcome To The Jungle and political-drama Emergency. He will play the role of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in latter.