Few months back, Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor shared pictures decking up on a set and had set the internet into meltdown. The Nanad-Bhabhi duo is now set to grace the Koffee with Karan 8 couch and looks like they will set it on fire. Well, the promo is also out and the episode seems promising with some interesting revelations about their life. Now, as per the latest reports, during a candid conversation on Koffee with Karan, Kareena advised Alia to plan a second child.
Kareena Kapoor suggests Alia Bhatt to plan second child
Reportedly, during the conversation, Alia opened up about her equation with hubby Ranbir when it comes to fulfilling parents duties towards Raha. Alia revealed that a playful fight ensues between them when it comes to spend quality time with the little one. The actress said, “Sometimes, we fight at home for Raha. It’s like now you have her, now give me.” Offering a solution to their tussle, Kareena Kapoor chimed in, saying, “That’s the cue to have another one, maybe, so both of you can have one each.”
Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor
About Alia Bhatt’s daughter Raha Kapoor
For the uninitiated, Alia got married to Kareena’s cousin Ranbir on 14th April 2022. They were blessed with a baby girl Raha Kapoor on November 6. The baby girl recently celebrated her first birthday and Alia shared an adorable glimpse from the celebration. However, the actress chooses to maintain privacy and she has not revealed the face of the baby yet.
Alia attended Kareena’s Diwali bash
Recently, Kareena also hosted a Diwali bash at her residence where Ranbir-Alia made a striking appearance. Later, inside pics from celebration surfaced and it was all things fun.
In the KWK 8 promo, Karan is seen questioning Kareena about competition with Deepika and she shifts the focus at Alia. Kareena will also be seen talking about her feud with Ameesha Patel. While Alia called the show ‘Controversial with a K’. Koffee with Karan season 8 streams every Thursday at midnight on Disney+Hotstar.