Recently, people looking for adult content on YouTube discovered a troubling issue – they could watch and share explicit videos on the platform, causing YouTube to scramble to remove them.
This problem is due to a persistent bug on Y.T , and despite their efforts, they can’t seem to fix it.
An investigation by 404Media found a group of self-proclaimed “YouTube hackers” who figured out how to get around Y.T rules and upload explicit content. This content included hentai and videos with the well-known adult actress “Sweetie Fox.”
Somehow, these hackers even managed to take videos from adult websites like Pornhub and put them on Y.T , tricking YouTube’s systems.
Emanuel Maiberg, a reporter from 404Media, was the first to discover this issue. To understand how the hackers did it, he joined a group on Discord called “YouTube porn hunters,” a group that shares explicit content.

One member of the group explained that they could beat Y Y.T’s system by using a “newline” character, which Y.T doesn’t recognize as a real character. It’s like what happens when you press the “enter” key on your keyboard. They flooded video tags with millions of these characters, making their videos invisible. Someone even shared a file with four million of these characters, claiming it could be used to upload videos that couldn’t be deleted.
YouTube has tried to stop these videos, but they’re having a hard time finding all of them.
A spokesperson for Y.T said they know about the problem and are trying to remove all the explicit videos that got uploaded. They said, “We’re aware that a few videos might still be on Y.T after we shut down a channel. We’re working on fixing this and getting rid of the content from the platform.” Jack Malon, the Y.T spokesperson, admitted it’s a tough challenge.
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